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Otcbb stock list Form: What You Should Know

OTC Market News  In the past few years, there has been tremendous growth in OTC financial services. Today, the OTC market is so much broader — it encompasses any securities traded over a counterparty-to-counterparty electronic platform. That has brought investors with more opportunities than ever before for direct trading. For instance, there are a lot of people who trade stocks in the US stock market. What Is the “Over-The-Counter Markets?” According to the Office of the US Trade Representative: Over-the-Counter Markets are established within an electronic exchange for two people, including oneself. They provide markets for securities in a market that is open to all persons. They are also referred to as an electronic trading system, over-the-counter (OTC) marketplace, and OTC swap marketplace. OTC markets offer a direct trading and purchase method for securities and other market-making transactions without a middleman involved in the transaction. They differ from Securities Markets and Clearing Programs, which offer exchange trading for securities and provide an intermediary and clearing function in the process. The main difference between the OTC markets and the Securities Markets and Clearing Programs is that in the OTC markets, the seller does not have a direct relationship with the buyer. The result is a direct price comparison and not a middle man. There is no requirement for the security to be listed in a securities exchange, and therefore no exchange commissions. In the OTC Markets, the exchange does not act as the middle man, so the security does not require a capital raise in order to be listed. As of October 9, 2010, more than one million US securities are listed in 21 OTC markets. Fee Structure All major exchanges in the US have fees which are used to pay OTC brokerages, clearing houses, and other entities for the services they provide to the public. These fees cover the costs of managing the OTC markets for the public. The OTC fees are not as high as the fees typically charged in the exchanges, but they are still a large sum which is passed on to the public in exchange for the privilege of trading the over-the-counter securities.

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