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Form 211 for Allentown Pennsylvania: What You Should Know

Coventry Center For People And Families at the PA COVID Office For Veterans — Lehigh County Provides information about the Veterans Crisis Line and its resources, veterans' benefits, and advocacy at the Lehigh County VA-Joint Benefits Office. 211 — Enthusing and Housing Authority Information Enthusing and Enthusing provides information and access to federal, state, and local government services based on income and circumstances, including affordable housing assistance, rent and homebuyer education programs, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Housing choice fund.   Enthusing & The Community Partnership Of Northeast Pennsylvania The non-profit works to ensure public and private entities of the region work together to develop, maintain, and improve neighborhoods. You can find out more information about this coalition at Pfc.org Enthusing and the Northeast Pennsylvania Community Housing and Development Corporation are both partners with Enthusing and the Community Partnership of Northeast Pennsylvania to provide programs to low- and moderate-income residents. 411 — The Pennsylvania Housing Development Corporation 411 provides financial assistance, including rental subsidies, to reduce a tenant's costs of paying their mortgage or rent and to prevent eviction and homelessness. 311 — Emergency Family and Personal Crisis Call Center An anonymous line for emergency help after 8 p.m. 412 — Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Pennsylvania's leading public information and communication partner. You are always free to call our office or email our hotline with any issues, concerns, or questions. 412 — Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency 411 — Emergency Family and Personal Crisis Call Center 411 — Statewide Toll-Free Information Line For Pennsylvania Residents To call the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (EMEA) tip line, dial (or from outside the state) and press “2”. 412 — Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Penn Emergency Management is responsible for preparing for disasters as well as providing services as part of the state Office of Homeland Security. Penn Family Advocacy Program The PA FAP was created to provide direct legal assistance to low-income families, including assistance with housing, rent, utility and child care. Pennant — Pittsburgh Housing Authority You can call the PA FANS to find out about the options available through their service. 412 — PA Emergency Management Agency Emergency Medical Operations Center An anonymous phone number to receive critical information for medical emergencies.

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