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Form 211 for Detroit Michigan: What You Should Know

A primary residence; 2. A vacation property; 3. A vacation home; 4. A commercial property; 5. A public property; and, 6. A business property. Rent Stabilization and Emergency Support Services (REEDS) Program — Southeastern Michigan The Rent Stabilization and Emergency Support Services (REEDS) Program is administered by Emergency Community and Relief (ECR). The RED Program provides emergency housing assistance to households with a household income below 50 percent of median income for an extended period of time in order to avoid losing rental assistance. Find information about rent stabilization and emergency support services in Michigan. Energy Crisis — State of Michigan A statewide, coordinated response to the energy crisis led by The Michigan Council for Community Energy. Energy Crisis — Detroit Area Community Action Agency Energy Crisis is a statewide program that helps eligible households with a household income under 150 percent of Michigan's Median Income get or stay in housing. Home Energy Assistance — The Michigan Volunteer Lawyers Project The Michigan Volunteer Lawyers Project (MVP) is the only local charity and law firm dedicated to helping families in the Metro Detroit area that are facing eviction, foreclosure or struggling to maintain their rent-controlled housing. To serve the poor, elderly, and disabled and to protect the interests of vulnerable Michigan families, MVP has a long history of fighting for justice in Michigan courts: for nearly a half-century. You can help. Emergency Housing — The Michigan Housing Finance Authority (MFA) The Michigan Housing Finance Authority (MFA) has issued over 1.8 billion in loan guarantees since its creation in 1985. MFA is responsible for funding energy cost-reduction and energy efficiency renovations; providing home energy efficiency and repair programs; and promoting residential energy efficiency in the state. Help — Community Action Partnership Of West Michigan The Community Action Partnership of West Michigan (CAPRI) works directly with housing agencies in eight counties and serves as a point of contact for more than 1,300 rental and housing providers working to address their residents' needs. With more than 2,500 community housing providers, CAPRI works to provide a continuum of services to meet the specific housing needs of low-income families and individuals.

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