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Form 211 online Bellevue Washington: What You Should Know

King County Tenant Law Group, or the Community and Economic Development Law Center at Community Action Program (CAP). Ā  Other online community resources: Washington State Office of Victim Programs has a free online program that allows victims to find resources and agencies,Ā andĀ also to report crime and abuse. Online services areĀ available through an app, so don't forget to download it! Washington State Employment Rights Law Center (ERIC) has a free, legal service for people who are discriminated against, or for people who want to file an injury claim. Community Action Northwest has a referral service for people who are unemployed, who can get assistance in finding employment, how to find a job, and how to get and maintain good health insurance. Community Action Northwest Community Action Southwest Washington also has a free, legal assistance program for people in need. Eligibility for a free legal assistance program in Washington State is based on income, family size, and the need for services, not on race, gender, nationality, religion, or sex (among other factors). Washington State Department of Labor and Industries Community Action Seattle provides free legal aid to people in need. Washington University Law Center Seattle Metro Bar Association can now provide services in English. Also, they offer free services to low-income attorneys with financial problems. Seattle Metropolitan Housing Authority Community Rights Unit Low-income tenants applying for Section 8 vouchers in Washington State can contact this office for assistance. Income Limits: State limits are based on the most recent federal income guidelines. The amount for a one-person household at the state's lowest income level is 24,000 per year; it's 29,000 in the state's middle-income level; and it's 36,000 in the state's richest income level.Ā  Washington's state only allows an annual family income of less than 35,000 a year for public assistance. A single mother with two children, living alone can get assistance that is a fraction of the money provided to a married couple.

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